Aman Solicitors Advocate London

0208 782 3776 

Our divorce lawyers in london will expertly guide you through the divorce/separation process and children's issues, assisting you at every stage of the proceedings. We have experience working with urban professionals and high net worth individuals who have significant assets in investments, shares, trusts and private companies.


If you are married and considering divorce, you will need a Solicitors. If you are cohabiting and decide to separate, it can often be helpful to seek legal advice and assistance to prepare a separation agreement and create a parenting plan. If you feel that both you and your partner are ready to agree on the outcome of the separation, you may choose to engage a lawyer-mediator. The lawyer mediator will then advise you on making the necessary arrangements.

In this case, mediation may take place. However, if you already know that you and your partner cannot find a mutual solution, you may decide to involve your lawyer and start legal proceedings. Franssen Advocaten is mainly specialised in international divorces.

Lawyers specialise in divorce.

The decision to get divorced can sometimes be difficult, but divorce is also often complicated for ex-pats. As well as decisions about family, maintenance, property and assets, you may also need to consider future residence rights, international pensions and travel arrangements. Due to current law and jurisdictions, it is not easy to decide which country to file for divorce. The good news is that if you live in the London, you can probably file for divorce in english courts, and it is easier and quicker to get divorced here than in many other countries. We will determine for you which law is applicable.

Our lawyers have a team of experts who can help you with even the most complicated divorces in English. We have been working with expatriates for 30 years and have the experience and knowledge to help you find the best possible solution.Clients value our direct and innovative approach and appreciate our lawyers' involvement with other professional organisations. Clients can be assured of expert representation by lawyers who will boldly argue their case, sharing the firm's child-centred ethos and promoting alternative dispute resolution where appropriate.

Our expertise

Aman Solicitors is one of the leading family law firms in the UK and has a national and international reputation for working in children and family law. Our family law solicitors london  specialising in family law represent high net worth and international clients whilst being committed to providing a first-class service to their clients receiving legal assistance.

Our services include

  • Mediation

  • Divorce 

  • Separation

  • Matrimonial finances

  • Cohabitation

  • Forced marriage orders

  • International adoption 

  • Surrogacy

  • Abduction of children 

  • Children's rights

contact us

London Office
2nd Floor
502a High Road

t: 0208 782 3776

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